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MAGIC TEAPOT RUN is inspired by fairy tales, the route has two distances: 14km & 26km. The route design includes Teapot section and Genie section. The 14km (Teapot) will be along the Magic Teapot section, the track resembles a Magic teapot filled with water. The 26km (Genie & Teapot) is Genie from Teapot route, which combines the Magic Teapot and the Genie section. Don’t miss such an interesting and challenging day!
神燈跑 (MAGIC TEAPOT RUN) 靈感來自童話故事,共有兩個距離:14公里 及 26公里。路線設計包含神燈 (Teapot) 及精靈 (Genie) 兩條路段。14公里 (Teapot) 是神燈段,一盞滿載了水的神燈路線。26公里 (Genie & Teapot) 是神燈加精靈路線。一個趣味性高及富挑戰性的賽道,您絕對不能錯過!
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Also available at: 

-ESCAPADE Sports Causeway Bay

1/F, Yee Hing Building, 19 Leighton Road,Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (Causeway Bay MTR station Exit A)​​

香港銅鑼灣禮頓道19號怡興大廈1樓 (銅鑼灣站A出口)

-ESCAPADE Sports Central

2/F, V C House, No.4 - 6 On Lan Street, Central, Hong Kong (Central MTR station Exit D1)

香港中環安蘭街4-6號安皇商業大廈2樓 (中環站D1出口)

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