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Jinger, is a word which is coined from "Jingugaien” and “Runner". It was found in Tokyo in June 2020.
Jinger offers a wide range of fashionable sportswear, its distinctive designs, iconic prints and patterns enhance your run.
NRNG is the exclusive distributor of Jinger in Hong Kong. The first arrival is scheduled for late August 2024.

Jinger是「神宮外苑 (Jingugaien)」和「跑者 (Runner)」的合成詞。品牌於2020 年 6 月在東京創立。Jinger提供各種時尚感的運動服飾,其獨特的設計、標誌性的印花和圖案讓您的跑步過程充滿樂趣。

NRNG 為 Jinger 香港的獨家經銷商。品牌將會在 2024 年 8 月下旬正式登陸香港。

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