Sai Kung, known as the backyard of Hong Kong, is where the SAI KUNG SPEED is held. The race is divided into two distances (15km and 36km), starting and ending in Pak Tam Chung. It passes through a number of charming mountain trails, including tree-lined, streamside and gravel paths. The two distances do not have much heavy climbing, and are extremely runnable. Some sections of the routes offer spectacular views of the seascape and landscapes of Hong Kong.
有香港後花園之稱的西貢是 SAI KUNG SPEED 賽事舉行地。賽事共分為兩個距離 (15公里 and 36公里),起點及終點同樣在北潭涌,途徑多條景色迷人的山徑,既有林蔭山道亦有溪邊小徑及沙礫石道。兩條賽道沒有太多高低起伏,可跑性極高。賽道部份路段視野非常壯闊,盡覽香港海岸線風光。
Also available at:
-ESCAPADE Sports Causeway Bay
1/F, Yee Hing Building, 19 Leighton Road,Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (Causeway Bay MTR station Exit A)
香港銅鑼灣禮頓道19號怡興大廈1樓 (銅鑼灣站A出口)
-ESCAPADE Sports Central
2/F, V C House, No.4 - 6 On Lan Street, Central, Hong Kong (Central MTR station Exit D1)
香港中環安蘭街4-6號安皇商業大廈2樓 (中環站D1出口)